Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vancouver comes to Paris

...So today it's raining a lot. I'm in the centre, and it's too late for me to make the metro to meet the rest of the girls for the fashion museum. I think I'll probably go visit a building for one of my classes, get a sandwich to go, and spend the rest of the day inside. It is quite cold when it rains, but not brutally cold like home.

I'm currently trying to upload some of my videos. I have some really great ones from the field trip with Mark (experimental music studio), and from the PSG game. (The graffiti in my last post is from the field trip. The building is called the "frigos" because after WWI it was used as a food storage fridge. Now it's run-down and has been tagged by graffiti artists.) Hopefully the upload will be possible. Crossing my fingers with the internet.

Last night all of us in the Paris Arts Practicum or the Survey went to Mark's house for wine, cheese, quiche, amuse-bouches (hors d'oeuvres that can be eaten in one bite), and delicious desserts. We were told some very interesting stories about his friends, and travels to Ethiopia and the Arctic. Also, I learned that one of the cheeses had ash on it. Eugh. JW tells me this is normal for cheese. I say this isn't normal for anything. (Who eats ash!?) I was happy, however, that my family had given me a thorough education on how to cut cheese from the cheese platter a couple of nights ago.

As I wrote that last paragraph it occurred to me that I perhaps haven't stated which courses I'm taking! They are as follows:
-painting and use of colour (taken at an art school)
-a history class of WWII taught by a French historian
-Mark's Paris Art Practicum (we make art)
-Mark's Paris Art Survey (we go look at art)
-nineteenth-century art

Tonight is our first Bing-sponsored field trip. We are going to the Comedie Francaise, one of the most traditional, old theatre companies in Paris! We are going to see Le Mariage de Figaro, again that word, traditional play. It's going to be three hours long! Also, we have to be there at 8 (20h), which is usually dinner time in Paris. Thus, my family is eating early, *gasp* at 19h!

Some of my friends and I are thinking about spending the rest of our reimbursement money (100 euro total) for Mark's class (we have to go to cultural events each week, last week was PSG) on a meal at a Michelin restaurant. Since there are many things we can do for free and can still report on (like going to museums for free because we're art history students, or even just riding the metro), I think this would be a great investment. More to come on that, I suppose.

Ah, I see that some of my downloads aren't working! You'll have to miss out on some vids. But here is one that worked:

till later!!!

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