Sunday, January 25, 2009

More fun things that I forgot I did

I forgot about an entire day that was really fun in Paris a while ago.

I went to Les Halles (the old marketplace) to do some early shopping. After that, I met up with my friends Mackenzie, Michael, Hei Munn, and Midori. Then a few of us went out to lunch at a traditional french restaurant called "Pied de Cochon". This restaurant is famous for serving traditional (wow that word has like no synonyms, sry) french cuisine. This means huitres (oysters), pig feet, tripe, pig's head, and other such grossness.

Since JW's dad generously took us all out, naturally I felt inclined to try everything. I ordered tripe (not realizing what I was ordering) which was gr-oss. I literally couldn't eat it. On the other hand, I tried foie gras, pate, oyster, and shared escargot with Midori. I really like oysters. They're kind of slimy, but not as crunchy as I thought they would be. Also, I now love duck. (I am resolving to love goat cheese by the end of these 3 months.)

After lunch, Michael, JW, and I went to a MONUM tour. In Paris, the National Monument Association (or whatever it is) offers free tours every day about the history of Parisian monuments, historical districts, etc. We learned about the "Les Halles" area, mostly in terms of it's restaurants and the Eglise St.-Eustache. This tour was AWESOME. It was filled with all of these tiny old French people who seemed glad just to see someone young at close proximity. During the tour, our guide took us in to restaurants, stood behind the counters, and lectured to us while the servers were taking orders, chipping in historical information, and laughing along with the rest of the group. Only in Paris.

Anyway, Mid and I are off to meet up with another Stanfordian, Andrew, for dinner here in Dublin. Peace out!

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