Monday, April 4, 2011

Writing up is hard to do

I don't know how many people out there look at hyperboleandahalf, but it is amazing. Anyways, if you've seen the post on "too much sandwich", you know what I mean when I say that writing can sometimes feel like "too many thoughts" that produce a state of stagnation. Such has been my experience so far in South Africa.

We arrived here in late March, and still I have not posted anything, nor have I written much.

I just spent about an hour creating three facebook albums and they just deleted due to some kind of technological thing that I do not understand, which was extremely frustrating. Therefore, I have decided: enough with facebook! Enough with writing! I am going to do a photo diary of my trip. This diary will consist of "photos of the week" - I'm thinking it would be appropriate to choose seven.

I'm having technological difficulties right now, so I will post those when I get to an internet cafe ASAP.